Music Lover Dad

Your dad probably blast the speakers during the weekend with his classic hits. Get ready as your OPM artists can sing a song for your dad as a Father’s Day gift.

Does your dad love Parokya ni Edgar? A greeting from Chito Miranda will be perfect for him. Click this link to request Chito a Father’s Day greeting.

Not just a member of the band, but all of them. Perfect attendance! Click this link to request Mojofly a Father’s Day greeting.

You might not be familiar with him, but ask your dad. He’ll probably get excited about him. Click this link to request RJ Jacinto a Father’s Day greeting.

Sports Enthusiast Dad

Your dad is eager to go home early to catch the PBA game. Or Do Not Disturb sign is up when he’s watching his game. Surprise your dad with a special greeting made by athletes!

Is your dad a fan of PBA? Click this link to request Gabe Norwood a Father’s Day greeting.

Bobby Ray Parks Jr.

A former PBA player but who can’t remember his name? Click this link to request Bobby Ray Parks Jr a Father’s Day greeting.

Sol Mercado another PBA player favorite! Click this link to request Sol Mercado a Father’s Day greeting.

Funny Dad

Dad jokes at its finest! But don’t get me wrong, they are pretty funny. Now it’s your time to return the favor, make your dad laugh so hard with a video from comedians and funny iconic personalities

Eagle dance for dad? WHY NOT! Click this link to request Dante Gulapa a Father’s Day greeting.

Would dad miss President Duterte’s antics? Click this link to request Duterte Impersinator a Father’s Day greeting.

Gardo Versoza

This is a funny yet heartfelt message! Click this link to request Gardo Versoza a Father’s Day greeting.

Roastmaster Dad

Is your dad makes fun of you or your siblings? Probably did it one time when your friends came over the house. Give your dad some roasting with these following personalities:

Have some roasting done to your dad with Red. Click this link to request Red Ollero a Father’s Day greeting.

Rock and roll to the world, dad! Click this link to request Ryan Rems a Father’s Day greeting.

Baron Geisler

Classic roasting brought to you by Baron! Dad must be tough for this (just kidding!) Click this link to request Baron Geisler a Father’s Day greeting.

Do wanna know more celebrities who can greet the best guy a Happy Father’s Day? Just go to or simply click here.